A Centova Cast Specialist
Offering Repairs, Updates & Support

Contact The Centova Guy

General Support

Having a problem with audio quality, maybe your station isn't being listed on public directories, the Centova Guy can help with ANY problems you might be experiencing.

1 to 1 Consultations

The Centova Guy offers 1 to 1 consultations which offer anything from general Centova Cast questions to assistance with picking the right server/plan for your station.

Update Assistance

Everyone wants the new features & security fixes from Centova Cast, but not everyone knows how to properly update their servers. The Centova Guy can update your server to the latest Centova Cast version (including any Icecast/Shoutcast updates).


Server Updates

Starting at: $50

Get your server updated to the latest version of Centova Cast & start running the newest versions of Shoutcast/Icecast.

Secure Stream with SSL

Starting at: $10/month

Make sure that your stream is fully secure (not a feature by default with Shoutcast) and fix those annoying "Site is not fully secure" errors.

1 to 1 Consultations

Starting at: $50/hour

Have a one on one talk with The Centova Guy about anything relating to Audio streaming, Centova Cast, etc.

Custom Chrome Extension

Starting at: $100/year

Get a fully customised Chrome Extension for your radio station, allowing listeners to tune-in using only their Chrome web browsers.

Something Missing?

Got an issue or want something that isn't mentioned above?, let the Centova Guy know using the form below.

Contact The Centova Guy
